Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ever flown in a Huey?

Yeah it's cool. If you like that sort of thing.

No great shakes. It's really an everyday experience cruising over a remote island in the Pacific in the most famous helicopter of all time. Did I mention that this one operated during Vietnam? Whatever. I do this sort of thing all the time.

Alright, I give in. It was awesome.

The Huey taking off from Kwaj.

Me enjoying the ride.

Elon enjoying the ride.

The Pilot concealing his glee.

As we approach the island, we see the rocket laying down on the ground (this picture was taken before it was re-erected).

The island from the Huey.

Landing on the island, we were obligated to do the requisite "duck under the blades" walk.

So yes it was fun, and yes, you wish you were here.

So back to the rocket. Big things going on tomorrow. We tested the engine movement today, everything's good for tomorrow's Wet-Dress and Hold-Down Fire.

Wet-Dress is where we load up the fuel into the rocket. The hold-down fire is where we hold down the rocket and press "Go". I'll be transmitting images as fast as I can. It should be quite a show.

Currently T-Minus 41 hours to launch.

And now... I'm going scuba diving.



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