Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Flight 4 Static Fire

As planned, Flight 4 went through a static fire today.

From Elon:

"The static fire took place on Saturday [20 Sep 2008, CA time], as expected, and no major issues came up. However, after a detailed analysis of data, we decided to replace a component in the 2nd stage engine LOX supply line. There is a good chance we would be ok flying as is, but we are being extremely cautious.

This adds a few extra days to the schedule, so the updated launch window estimate is now Sept 28th through Oct 1st [CA time].


Here are some awesome shots of the static fire...


  1. Can't wait to see it. We'll be watching on the wide screen :)

  2. Any word on upcoming launch yet ?

  3. Go to http://spacexpla.net for the launch chat and you'll find any updates to the launch at the blog there. I wish you all the luck in the world SpaceX! Fourth time is the charm ;)

  4. That is something really delightful

    Elon Musk
