Monday, August 04, 2008

Thanks for joining me this week-end

Hey everyone.

Thanks for joining me over the week-end as we watched one of the most exciting Space events of the year. It's sad that it did not make it to orbit, but that's the reality of a Space Exploration. SpaceX is going to change the way mankind reaches space. Turns out, that's not as easy as it sounds. ;)

I'll keep posting as there is new news. In the meantime, click here to use Me.dium to stay up to date on Falcon 1 and SpaceX.

Digg It!

1 comment:

Ole Eichhorn said...

Thank you! It was great. Weirdly my sense is that more and more people are now pulling for SpaceX. We all know Elon is not going to give up, and his team will succeed. It will be all the greater when they do!